Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Growing Cold

It has been getting cold here at night. I remember what it is like to be in Illinois in the winter. It can be hard to escape. Fingers and toes, hurting and numb. Cheeks a bit frost-bit. The coldest days are the days the sun shines. And the distinct sound of the snow crunching under the feet. Those cold days are truly something I don’t miss.

Just as those days would be mortal for us were we not to be properly clothed, coldness of heart can be just as mortal, spiritually. We begin to lose our compass and forget what is really important in life. We lose sight of God and become very inward focused. It no longer is important to us the lost condition of the world and we become callous to all that goes on around us.

And it really is hard, because there is so much bad going on all the time. There is so much hurt, even in our own lives. There is war, hunger, disease, and everyone doing what is right in their own eyes. Matthew 24:12 (NIV) says: “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.”

Dear friends, please don’t forget how much God loves us. And please don’t forget how much people in our churches need love. How much people outside our churches need love. We are God’s instruments in this world. If people don’t see God’s love in us, where will they see it?

May God bless you today as you seek to love someone who needs to understand the love of God and of His Son, Jesus.