Dear Friends,
We will be in the U.S. until about the second week of August. If you would like to get ahold of us we can be reached at (309) 373-9433.
Lluvia will be taking her interview for citizenship on July 3rd. We would greatly appreciate you prayers as this will be in the form of a English and Civics exam! We are greatful to God for working out all of the details of our time here enabeling us kill many birds with one stone so to speak!!! Thank you.
God bless you.
Hi Justin and Lluvia
I finally found your blog address. I was kinda upset that we did not bump into each other at church while you were teaching Sr High SS. I understand you will be here throughout the month of July?? Would like to get together to see you guys. Let me know what your schedule is like. Any open dates that you can come speak to the Jr High? Continuing to pray...
I passed on your reqyest to the Missions Team for Lluvia this morning. Know that we are praying for her specifically at 8:00 this morning.
I mentioned to Dave about the Missions Team getting together with you. When you get back from Chicage either give me a call and we can settle on a date we can get together for a cook out or something. Take care guys and Gos bless you.
OOOPS...I am not very good using these computers...Please let me know how Lluvia does...Is she notified immediately?
Hey Justin and Lluvia-
I found out Fellowship Feast is next Sunday the 15th. Take care
Hey Justin and Lluvia-
I dont know if the first blog went thru or not...but I found out Fellowship feast is next sunday the 15th...Take care
Hi Justin and Lluvia-
Assume you guys are back in Mexico? How is Global Grounds? Anything specific you would like the missions team to pray about? Take care and God bless your ministry.
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