Saturday, September 12, 2009


The concept of dysfuncional families has been around for a relatively short time. Dysfuncional families themselves have been around since sin entered the world. Just look at Cain and Abel. Mexico, typically, seems to be behind the U.S. in its loss of values. They are quickly cathching up, though. As a result, dysfuncional families, while always having existed in some form, are just now on the rise.

The reality of this for us means that we are dealing with young adults that are deeply scarred and hurt. These hurts almost always lead to vice of some sort through a damaged sense of self-worth. These are hurting people who need to see that they, being made in God's image, are of priceless value. So priceless are they, in fact, that Jesus came to die on the cross for them.

I think of my wife's friend, Aurea. She is a young woman with many hidden scars. She came on a camping trip with us and it obviously impacted her. She came back to Queretaro with a lot to think about. However, she is in a somewhat destructive relationship and is really struggling to give complete control of her life over to God.

Please pray for us. Pray for wisdom as we seek to share the love of Christ in a hurting world. And please pray for those we seek to minister to.

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